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Return Policy

You can return your Order within 14 days of delivery or for replacement,

or for a refund of the amount you allocated for the purchase. In no case can a return be accepted,

when the returned product is not in its original condition.

The product must not have been washed, must have all the accompanying labels, and must not have been damaged.

its packaging. The return must be accompanied by all the documents that accompanied it when it was made

the original shipment from the Homeart store (receipt of retail sale, Shipping slip, etc.).

Sleeping products such as pillows and blankets may not be accepted for return,

if they have come out of their packaging, for hygiene reasons.

Custom products that are made and / or cut exclusively for you, can never be returned. Examples of personalized products are Carpets, Fabrics and anything else made exclusively for your order.

Return costs will be charged to Homeart only in the event of our error or defective product.

In any other case the costs are borne by the Customer.